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Weight-Loss Blunders You May Not Know About
Congratulations! You have taken the first step in your journey to better health. If you have tried to lose weight in the past, you’ve probably encountered some challenges along the way. Here are a few common blunders people make while trying to lose weight and how you can easily avoid them for the best results possible.
Not Planning
The primary goal of a weekly meal plan is to maintain a healthy diet while avoiding the nutritional pitfalls of a busy schedule. By prioritizing preparing meals ahead of time, you will always have a healthy meal or snack choice on hand for when you are in a time crunch. Success rarely comes without a plan, and weight loss is no exception. With your SlimGenics Integrated Food List in mind, begin searching for healthy recipes you will enjoy cooking and eating. Don’t forget that our STEP in the Kitchen™ cookbook contains hundreds of delicious, easy to prepare, on-plan recipes.
Not Seeking Support
Don’t be afraid to tell your family and friends that you have chosen to live a healthier lifestyle. You will find it much easier to avoid temptations and your friends will start inviting to go for a bike ride around town instead of going to get ice cream. This does not mean you have to stay at home for all of your meals! While following your SlimGenics weight-loss program you to can dine out and attend special events because you will have the tools you need to be able to stay accountable to your food plan. And never fear, our team of expert Weight Loss Coaches will guide and support you when faced with challenging situations. We're here whenever you need us!
Not Eating Enough Protein (Or Too Much)
Protein is very important. It helps you stay fuller longer and helps to regulate your blood sugar levels to avoid insulin spikes and crashes. Your body requires protein; there is no doubt about that. Your body also needs starches, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables. When you go overboard on protein consumption, you are missing out on vital nutrients essential to good health.
Thinking Exercise Will ‘Undo’ Poor Food Choices
Making the right dietary choices will always be 80-90% of your success. Most people think that doing 30 minutes on the elliptical will compensate for poor food choices. It doesn’t. A number of calories you burn through exercise is surprisingly small. This is one of the reasons the “Calories In vs Calories Out” weight-loss method is flawed. People over-estimate a number of calories they are burning and under-estimate a number of calories they are consuming. A balanced food plan that incorporates lean proteins, unrefined starches, fruit, vegetables and healthy fats will improve your metabolism and turn your body into a fat-burning machine.
Not Tracking
Maintaining a food journal is vital for successful weight loss. Recent studies conclude that regularly writing down everything we consume in a food journal may double weight-loss results! But not all journaling is created equal. Some people like to map out their meals ahead of time and just cross them off their journal as the week progresses. Others like to write each meal as it is consumed, either before or after they’ve eaten. Both methods are effective. Although food journaling apps are popular, SlimGenics recommends that you put pen to paper and journal as your food is enjoyed. This makes you take the time to really think about what you are eating. It is also a great tool for repeating success. By recording what you eat you can identify successful periods as well as challenging situations.
Eating “Diet” Foods
If you want to lose weight, you have to eat a balanced diet that consists of REAL food. Just because a label says it’s low-fat or low-sugar, doesn’t mean that it is healthy. Often, companies will increase other unhealthy ingredients in an effort to make food taste better. For instance, when you see a label that says ‘low-fat’, typically it will contain high amounts of salt and sugar additives to make up for the flavor lost from the reduced fat. With SlimGenics programs, you eat fresh, everyday foods that you prepare yourself. This ensures that you have the tools to make healthy food choices to maintain your results once you have completed your program.
Always Doing The Same Routine
Variety truly is the spice of life and when you embrace variety in your food plan you will feel better, have more energy and achieve better weight-loss results. Don’t be a creature of habit, be adventurous and enjoy a variety of new foods daily and weekly, as a part of your balanced food plan. Sparking variation in your normal health routine and food plan helps to create lasting change for sustainable weight loss and long-term good health. Don’t fall into the habit of eating the same foods day in and day out. Our bodies naturally require diversity because no one food contains all the nutrients our bodies require, nor does one specific exercise target all parts of the body.
All of these weight-loss blunders are made with the best of intentions; however, you can easily learn how to avoid them with SlimGenics and our team of expert Weight Loss Coaches. You will be given all of the nutritional education and support required to help you successfully lose your excess weight and maintain your results long-term. Give us a call at 855-292-4400 to start living your Healthy Ever After!