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When Less is More: 10 Tips for Healthy Portion Control
When Less is More: 10 Tips for Portion Control
When it comes to losing weight and living a healthier life, most of us know that what we eat is important. However, sometimes we forget that how much food we eat is just as critical. Identifying a healthy portion can be tricky and takes practice. Portion control doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be eating tiny serving sizes of everything. Consult your food plan guidelines for proper portion sizes and follow your meal ratio guidelines to create balanced meal plates.
Here are some helpful tips for practicing healthy portion control in your everyday life.
Measure and Weigh
Since eyeballing portion sizes such as a cup of cereal or 4 to 5 ounces of cooked meat can be tricky, it is important to begin portioning out your meals by weighing and measuring. Use a measuring cup for loose items and liquids and purchase a scale to weigh meats and poultry. You can even portion out items like cereal, rice, snacks, etc. in Ziploc bags to have healthy serving sizes ready to grab and go.
Learn Comparisons
Did you know that the equivalent of 4 ounces of meat is the size of your palm? After you’ve become an expert at measuring your portions, you will learn to associate easy visual techniques to control your servings without using a scale or measuring cup!
Downsize the Dishware
Many of the plates we use for meals are large and do not promote proper meal ratios. Restock your cabinets with smaller dishware or eat on plates normally reserved for “appetizers. Place your fork down between bites and enjoy chewing your food. Serve salads before dinner in larger bowls and encourage friends and family to get their fill!
Fraction Your Plate
A simple rule for portioning your meal plate is this: divide it in half and fill one-half with vegetables and the other with equal parts lean protein and an unrefined starch. Review your Integrated Nutrition Guide for a visual representation and tips for a healthier plate!
Drink Water
Drinking eight ounces of water before each meal will help you to not overindulge. Plus, many symptoms of dehydration pose as hunger and drinking more water before and with meals may work to eliminate those false hunger pangs as well.
Remove Serving Bowls from the Table
Removing serving plates and bowls from the table will help regulate portion sizes. However portion control isn’t all about eating less—it goes hand in hand with eating healthfully—so don’t move that salad bowl just yet! Allow family or friends to continue filling up on fresh vegetables instead of starches or protein.
Keep a Food Diary
A food diary will keep you accountable to your SlimGenics food plan. With everything in writing, you know exactly how much you’ve consumed or how much you plan to consume throughout the day.
Snack Throughout the Day
When you arrive at the dinner table famished, you are much more likely to overeat. Enjoy healthy snacks throughout the day with an emphasis on protein, vegetables and unrefined starches. SlimGenics encourages clients to keep a few protein-packed Thermo-Snacks on hand at all times to keep full and satisfied all day long.
Turn Off Distractions
Turn off the television, computer, tablet and phone during meal time. Sit down and enjoy your meal without distractions. This will promote mindful eating, which allows you to feel more satisfied with every bite.
Simple changes can ensure you and your loved ones are eating healthy portions, even on the go! By practicing healthy meal portions and ratios, you will become aware of how much you are eating each day and promote healthy weight loss and long-term wellness.