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62 lbs lost
"I let myself go after the military. Now I feel like I just got out of basic training!

Before Weight

After Weight
Cliff J.'s Story
Before SlimGenics® I felt tired, had no motivate to do anything. Now I have energy like I was a teenager again. I wanted the ability to be a better role model for my family, gain self confidence, and have clothes in smaller sizes. I was amazed at how I was able to lose inches and pounds as fast as I did. I felt great as I was doing it and friends and family noticed the change as I went through the program. I feel great for not waiting any longer. I really let go of myself after my exit from the military. I feel like I did when I got out of basic training.
*Individual results may vary. Participants who follow a reduced-calorie high-protein program like SlimGenics can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week. Program pricing, offers and duration may vary based on package purchased.